Strengthening capacities to work with older LGBTQI+ people
New skills and tools for a better non-discriminatory care of aging LGBTQI+ people
Develop and make accessible a new set of didactic tools fine-tuned to a wide range of contexts
Increased cooperation capacity
Creation of a community of practices
New skills to overcome a heteronormative society (and services) and make it more inclusive for all
Encourage resilience, by strengthening ability to collaborate
Increase ability to identify discriminatory situations and ways to address them in day-to-day practice
Making residential care services places that are all encompassing in their approach to the well-being of residents
For LGBTQI+ care service users
Increased safety
Sense of belonging and confidence for older LGBTQI+ people in regard to quality of care in all contexts (disabilities, dementia…)
No concern that the (life) partner is present or identified as such
Effective access to services
Services to be perceived as safe places where all their needs are considered
For all
Sensitising on the issue of effective access to care services for LGBTQI+ people and, in particular, for LGBTQI+ older people
Encourage critical questioning of practices for inclusion of older LGBTQI+ people and at large promote inclusion
Expand public horizons, improve the knowledge of a specific audience
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